Blood Spot Removal

Blood spot removal is a very quick effective and extremely precise treatment here at Inskin.

These bright red spots on the skin are also known as Campbell de Morgans and Cherry Angiomas.  They can appear flat, raised or dome shaped, they are shiny and can vary in size from the size of a pin had to a 50 pence piece.

campbel de morgans can grow up to the size of a 50 pence piece







Campbell De Morgan (cherry angiomas/blood spots) are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slightly raised. Blood spots are commonly found on the midriff front or back but are sometimes found on arms, legs and even scalps and temples.  Most people over the age of 30 have at least one blood spot or Campbell de Morgan Spot. They all start out as tiny pin-prick in size, but often continue to grow and can become quite raised and noticeable.

These are easily treated using a precision probe and diathermy which is a heat based treatment that cauterises the blood spot which will then either scab and slough off or disappear immediately depending on the size.

The bright red or purple colour appearance of blood spots or Campbell de Morgan Spots is the result of tiny capillaries at the skin’s surface clustering together and dilating. They are not harmful in any way, and are considered a benign skin growth . Blood spots are not painful, but some are prone to bleeding when scratched or bruised. People may want them removed simply because they find them annoying or unsightly. From a purely medical perspective they don’t require removal unless they’re prone to frequent bleeding.

In some cases blood spots do enlarge past their normal size mentioned. In these cases, if you notice growth of a blood spot it may be a good idea to have it removed. Sometimes doctors may perform a biopsy just to be certain that the spot is indeed a harmless angioma. This is often unnecessary since they are well recognized by the medical community. Larger Campbell de Morgan Spots may require a second treatment a few weeks after the first. For this reason alone is it better to get them treated whilst they are small, quickly and easily treated.  Blood spots develop as we age

 What causes Blood Spots?

It’s not really known what causes Campbell de Morgan Spots, though it is believed they simply represent one of the ageing factors of our skin. They occur equally in both men and women, and tend to occur more often as we age. Some people seem more prone to getting blood Spots than others, suggesting that certain skin types or population groups may be more prone to them.  Often they can be related to stress or a trauma.  Fortunately, to most people Campbell de Morgan Spots do not pose any harmful threat. Blood spots do not indicate skin cancer, and they usually don’t require any type of treatment. However, as with any skin growth, if you are concerned then you should definitely have them examined to rule out more harmful skin conditions.

Typically one treatment only is required for this treatment, in some instances, larger blood spots may require a second treatment.

We have been Specialists in this treatment since 2013 rest assured that you are in safe, knowledgeable, experienced hands

Aftercare advice –

please read so that your personal schedule and treatment can be planned accordingly

why choose inskin clinic?

Inskin Group are a small specialist team of doctors, nurses, clinical professionals providing personally tailored, targeted treatments at realistic prices shown below as a minimum price of up to time stated.

We take great pride in the services we offer and will make sure you will receive the best possible care and treatment when you are with us.

We invite you to book initial consultation and test patch prior to treatment.  Please see details  at the Inskin Clinic in Altrincham, Manchester by getting in touch with our dedicated team on 0161 637 7626 or, by filling out our enquiry form and a member of our team will aim to get back to you straight away.

Why don’t you can check out our offers page which details all the great deals we have available on a wide range of treatments.


  • Full consultation and test patch (redeemed against treatment) £45
  • 15 minute treatment (1 - 10 spots depending on size) £95
  • Second Treatment within a 2 month period if required £60
  • 30 minute treatment (5-20 spots depending on size) £160